
10 November 2010

Holkham Hall

In the Summer I visited Holkham Hall in Norfolk. It is privately owned and sits in the centre of a 25,000 acre agricultural estate including a 6 1/2 acre walled garden which they will be restoring over the next 4-5 years, there wasn't much to see in the walled garden when I went but I would really love to see it when it's restored. I didn't see the house so I don't have any photos to show for that, but I did go to The Stable Cafe there and found on the back wall a collection of cameras through the ages right though to todays disposable cameras. This was probably my favorite part and there wasn't many people sitting in there at the end of the day so I managed to take these photos.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma
    I'm working up at the Holkham Walled Garden following the restoration as resident artist. You might like to follow the blog I'm creating at http:/www.holkhamwalledgarden.blogspot.com
    Sandra Rowney
